BIG day in the Kinter house today…………Myleigh peed on the potty and Mommy did a happy dance!! It was after dinner and she took her clothes off and drug me to the bathroom, she has done this before so I didn’t think much of it since she has NEVER gone potty in the potty before, but this time she peed! So of course I did a happy pee pee in the potty dance (don’t laugh, it was pretty good) and because of my awesome dance she continued to hop on the potty for the next hour and squeezed out pee everytime!! Sorry to those of you who are not parents and find the excitement and blogging over pee a little disgusting, all I have to say is sorry and don’t read the blog next time it says Another BIG day because it may be about her pooping in the potty!

I had some of her smiling too but she was all naked and I thought she should have a shirt on at least, but she wasn’t wanting one on so she then quit smiling.