I am so sorry that I have missed a couple of posts…….so much for the 365 part of the blog, I am a little disappointed in myself for slacking. My week has been a little stressful and busy trying to get the new site up and running smoothly, I am not tech savvy……..at all!!! My poor husband and kids, I should do something nice for them since they had to put up with all of my tantrums over not understanding how to get things loaded, customized, open, and working. I hope they will forgive me, the nice patient fun mommy is back now!

Today’s image is of my son Mason who usually could care less about what he is wearing or if his teeth or hair are brushed for school. Well this morning he got up and got dressed in a nice shirt, clean pants and his nice shoes……..all without being asked or nagged to get ready. And then he brought me the hair stuff and wanted a mohawk! He said “Mom can you spike my hair right down the middle? Don’t you think I would look cool with it like that?”. Ummmm who is this kid and where is Mason? Well I did it and he LOVED it, making all kinds of sly smiles in the mirror and turning from side to side posing. At first I thought all that’s cute, now I am worried he might have his eye on a girl!!! Oh-no, why do they grow up so fast?