What a busy day in the Kinter house today, I had 3 sessions today and the kids had playdates and Steve had football to watch! I was a little panicked this morning that I wouldn’t get anything good from today for my picture since I was working all day and the kids were gone. I wanted to get them playing in all the snow, but that didn’t happen……so I took a boring picture of Myleigh playing on the ipad, since that is one of her new loves. But then I walked into the kitchen to see her helping herself to ice cream, and ding, ding, ding we had a WINNER!!! This kid is an eater and loves her sweets, she gets it honestly though so I can’t get mad at her. We usually keep the ice cream outside in the garage freezer, guess we should move it back there ASAP! Silly Girl 🙂

Day 22